What is it,
cognitive distortions?
What are cognitive distortions. Petrovna Channel
![first image](images/1.png)
Cognitive distortions
IKEA effect
How it manifests itself
Cognitive distortions
Premature optimization
![second image](images/2.png)
How it manifests itself
![third image](images/3.png)
Cognitive distortions
Recency bias
How it manifests itself
Cognitive distortions
Hyperbolic discounting
![forth image](images/4.png)
How it manifests itself
![fifth image](images/5.png)
Cognitive distortions
Planning fallacy
How it manifests itself
The first 90% of finished code takes up the first 90% of development time. The remaining 10% takes up the second 90% of development time.